Belgrade inner-city noise protection wall project

Belgrade inner-city noise protection wall project

Dirigent Acoustics gained the trust from PE Roads of Serbia on the public tender to deliver the technical documentation for the largest Belgrade noise project.

After decades of high noise annoyance and its impact on citizens' health, with the execution of the planned noise protection wall, hundreds of people of Novi Beograd will finally experience a better living environment.

This summer, our noise control division completed the noise mitigation project for a densely populated area of Novi Beograd. The wall will protect citizens from the noise of the heavy traffic E-75 highway that penetrates through Belgrade. Our architect and urban planner, Tamara Vukovic, optimised the aesthetics of this immense wall so that it would best fit its urban surroundings.

As always, we used SoundPLAN software to model and reliably calculate the existing and predict the future noise conditions.