Knauf Sound Insulation (KSI)

Knauf Sound Insulation (KSI)  was developed initially in cooperation with KnaufInsulation and Knauf in Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. The program has also been developed for the needs of the Greek market. Knauf Sound Insulation is a program entirely based on standards, the calculation algorithms are compliant with the EN12354 series of standards, the sound insulation rating is in accordance with the ISO 717 series of standards, and the criteria is in all aligned with local regulations. The program is intuitive and user oriented and is very suitable for both experienced acoustic consultants and designers who haven’t dealt with this issue before. For this reason, the Knauf Sound Insulation program also has a sound insulation module, which aims to bring sound effects to ordinary people. The basic version of Knauf Sound Insulation program is free of charge, and the library of assemblies and materials is constantly updated and currently has about 300 materials and constructions of walls, facades, floor structures, wall covering, floating floors, doors and windows. We are currently working on a new version of the software to succeed the latest 2.01.27 version.